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Federal Infrastructure Investments

Please note that the following information is provided by the Department for public awareness purposes only. We are not the administering agency for these programs. While we can offer assistance with workforce development proposals, the content presented in this section is intended solely for informational purposes and does not imply endorsement or direct involvement in the administration of these programs.


April 9, 2024

Governor Phil Scott reiterated Vermont's dedication to advancing the V-GaN Tech Hub initiative, emphasizing the pivotal role of the Vermont Department of Labor as a key partner in this endeavor. Through collaboration with industry and educational institutions, supported by resources from the Department, the initiative aims to propel Vermont's tech sector forward, creating new career pathways and fostering innovation in Gallium Nitride (GaN) semiconductor technology.

See the full press release here: Governor Phil Scott and the State of Vermont Fully Committed to Vermont’s Cutting-Edge V-GaN Tech Hub

April 22, 2024 

Senator Bernie Sanders and President Biden announced a historic $7 billion funding allocation for the Solar for All program, authored by Sanders, aiming to provide loans or grants to working-class families for solar installations, potentially saving them over $8.7 billion in electric bills. Vermont, now one of thirteen states with a Climate Corps program, will receive $62.45 million for residential solar funding. Sanders emphasized the program's role in combating climate change, reducing energy costs, and creating jobs. Additionally, the Vermont Climate Corps will train young Americans for clean energy and climate resilience jobs, positioning the state at the forefront of the fight against climate change.

See the full press release here: Sanders Joins President Biden to Announce $7 Billion for Solar for All


The term Workforce Development is used throughout the descriptions of the federal infrastructure investments. Simply put, it refers to activities and initiatives that match, educate, and train individuals to meet the needs of current and future businesses and industries and maintain a thriving economy. This includes individuals who are new to a company or occupation and those who are moving up within a company or organization.

The Department provides workforce development services for both individuals and businesses. The following information explains recent federal investments in workforce development through funding opportunities for public and private entities.

To learn more, visit the Workforce Development Division

Inflation Reduction Act: The Inflation Reduction Act, a landmark piece of legislation in U.S. history, aims to combat climate change and bolster energy security, promising significant benefits for Vermonters. This act will lead to lower energy costs for households and businesses, creating job opportunities in clean energy sectors like solar and wind power while ensuring fair wages for Vermont workers. It also incentivizes domestic manufacturing of clean energy technologies, supports small businesses in adopting energy-efficient practices, and promotes the adoption of electric vehicles through discounts and infrastructure expansion.

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (also called the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act): This legislation focuses on improving the nation's infrastructure by allocating significant funding towards projects such as repairing roads and bridges, expanding broadband access, modernizing public transit, and enhancing clean energy initiatives, with bipartisan support aimed at stimulating economic growth and enhancing national competitiveness. To date, $833.1 million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding has been announced and is headed to Vermont, investing in roads, bridges, public transit, ports, airports, and clean water. 

CHIPS and Science Act: This comprehensive act combines efforts to bolster both semiconductor manufacturing (CHIPS) and scientific research funding. It aims to enhance domestic semiconductor production capabilities to address supply chain vulnerabilities while also investing in scientific research and innovation to maintain technological leadership and economic competitiveness. Vermont has been selected as one of the inaugural Tech Hubs across the country under the CHIPS and Science Act and will invest directly in regions with high potential for growth in key technology sectors. The Vermont Tech Hub is led by the University of Vermont, the Advancing Gallium Nitride Tech Hub will focus on innovating GaN manufacturing, a critical technology for wireless communication and semiconductor production. For more information, see the Vermont GaN Tech Hub website. 

FACT SHEET: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces Strategies to Train and Connect American Workers to Jobs Created by the President’s Investing in America Agenda | The White House

State of Vermont resources:

Home | Climate Change in Vermont

Inflation Reduction Act | Department of Public Service