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Vermont’s Unemployment Rate Held at 2.1 Percent in June

July 19, 2024

July 19, 2024

Mathew Barewicz, E & LMI Director, Department of Labor
802-828-4153 |                                                                                                       

Vermont’s Unemployment Rate Held at 2.1 Percent in June

Today, the Vermont Department of Labor released data on the Vermont economy for the time period covering June 2024. According to household data, the seasonally-adjusted statewide unemployment rate for June was 2.1 percent. This reflects no change from the prior month’s revised estimate. The civilian labor force participation rate was 65.7 percent in June, an increase of one-tenth of one percentage point from the prior month’s revised estimate.

“This year’s June data brings with it some of the same concerns we faced a year ago after another natural disaster. It’s important to note that the new information released today does not account for the economic disruptions caused by last week’s severe weather. State leaders are assessing the full impact of the recent flood and continue to activate systems to support impacted Vermonters.

 If you experience a partial or complete loss of employment due to these storms, the Department encourages you to file an unemployment insurance claim. Vermonters can initiate the application process by calling the Unemployment Claimant Assistance Center at 1-877-214-3330. If you file an initial claim and are deemed ineligible, you may qualify for federal Disaster Unemployment Assistance benefits if authorized by the Federal Emergency Management Administration. Regardless of the program, the first step is to file an initial claim through the regular unemployment insurance program.

To further assist those in need, the Department of Labor’s regional job centers are open and ready to provide support. These centers offer access to Wi-Fi, computers, phones, and other resources needed to submit unemployment applications. For a complete list of regional job centers near you, visit”

                                                                                    - Michael Harrington, Commissioner

The Unemployment and Jobs Report for July is scheduled to be released on Friday, August 16, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.


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