State of Vermont WIOA Language Access Plan
The State of Vermont is committed to ensuring that the Language Access requirements set forth in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Section 188 and 29 CFR 38.9 are met.
View the Vermont WIOA Language Access Plan
State of Vermont WIOA Non-Discrimination Plan
The State of Vermont and its workforce system partners are committed to promoting programs, activities, and services through an integrated system that complies with the equal opportunity and non-discrimination requirements in Section 188 of the Workforce Investment and Opportunities Act (WIOA). The state’s Non-Discrimination Plan is separated into the seven elements listed below. System partners are encouraged to use the supporting resources linked under each element.
View the State of Vermont WIOA Non-Discrimination Plan 2024.
Element 2 - EO Officer Responsibilities
Except for small recipients and service providers, WIOA Title One recipients must designate an Equal Opportunity Officer. This person must be in a role that reports directly to the individual in the highest-level position of authority of their organization.
Supporting Resources
Element 3 - Notice and Communication
Equal Opportunity is the Law
WIOA Program Providers must fill in the contact information for their Equal Opportunity Officer (or the person whom they have designated for this purpose) and post the notice in a conspicuous public place in all facilities where WIOA Title One financially assisted activities are conducted including American Job Centers, training providers, and other WIOA Program Providers.
Download EO Posters In Multiple Languages
Babel Notice
WIOA Program Providers must include a Babel Notice in written and electronic communicate to let participants know that language access services are available at no cost. Add the phone number associated with the program using the Babel Notice. Provide training to the staff on how to connect with a professional interpreter and how to effectively communicate with a participant who has language access needs.
Download the Babel Notice from the Supporting Documents below. Add the phone number associated with the program using the Babel Notice. Then print using the "Microsoft Print to PDF" option and it will be saved as an un-editable version.
Point to Your Language Poster
WIOA Program Providers should give participants with language access needs a way to identify their spoken or signed language(s) by displaying a "Please Point To Your Language Poster". For example, Point To Your Language Poster, which includes languages identified by the State of Vermont Translation Languages, as primary languages used by people in Vermont.
WIOA Equal Opportunity Tagline
WIOA Program Providers are required to add this WIOA EO Tagline to any written or oral communications that describe WIOA Title One programs and/or the requirements to participate in WIOA Title One programs.
Element 6 - Governor Oversight Responsibilities and Monitoring
Annual Monitoring Questionnaire
The Vermont State EO Officer is responsible for ensuring that all Vermont organizations who are Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I (one) recipients (“One-Stop Partners”) are complying with the WIOA non-discrimination and equal opportunity provisions as outlined in WIOA Section 188, 29 CFR Part 38 and Vermont’s WIOA related Non-Discrimination Plan (NDP) and Language Access Plan. The answers to the questions in this form will help the State EO Officer determine if your organization meets the minimum requirements.
WIOA EO Supporting Documentation Guide
This guide is a companion document to the Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Monitoring Questionnaire that Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I (one) recipients are required to complete and submit annually. You will find suggestions for the types of supporting documentation to include with your questionnaire submission.
WIOA Participant Demographic Data Template
As part of the annual One-Stop Partner monitoring review, the State EO Officer is required to conduct a statistical analysis of WIOA participant demographic data, including analysis by race/ethnicity, sex, language needs, primary language, age, and disability status. WIOA One-Stop Partners may use this template for data collection and submission.