ETPL ProviderLink Training
Webinar Details.
Wednesday, June 29
1:00pm - 2:30pm
Requirements to be a part of the Vermont Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) are being updated to adhere to federal requirements. This means programs must register with ProvderLink, a program management platform.
After July 1, providers should follow steps create an account and begin submitting applications for each training program.
Creating a ProviderLink Account
Step 1: Provider must create a ProviderLink username and password:
Apply to have Training Programs Listed
Step 2: Provider must complete an application for each program, for each location it is offered.
Comply with data collection and reporting requirements.
Step 3: Applications reviewed by VDOL and applicants are notified about their status in about 15 days. Once approved, programs must begin collecting tracking data described below for all students and all sections of the program to be reported annually.