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Workforce Development

ETPL ProviderLink Training

Webinar Details. 

Wednesday, June 29

1:00pm - 2:30pm




Requirements to be a part of the Vermont Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) are being updated to adhere to federal requirements. This means programs must register with ProvderLink, a program management platform. 

After July 1, providers should follow steps create an account and begin submitting applications for each training program. 


Creating a ProviderLink Account

Step 1: Provider must create a ProviderLink username and password:


Apply to have Training Programs Listed

Step 2: Provider must complete an application for each program, for each location it is offered.


Comply with data collection and reporting requirements.

Step 3: Applications reviewed by VDOL and applicants are notified about their status in about 15 days. Once approved, programs must begin collecting tracking data described below for all students and all sections of the program to be reported annually.



WEBINAR - 2022 Vermont Internship Grant Funding Opportunity (Q&A)

The Vermont Department of Labor (VDOL) supports up-skilling and re-skilling opportunities for Vermont workers through workforce development activities aimed at strengthening and expanding the labor force in Vermont. More details on the grant opportunity can be found, here. 

Webinar Details

**All questions related to the grant program or application may be submitted to by May 31, 2022 (4:00pm). Please reference 2022 Internship Grant in the subject of your email. We do not have the ability to answer questions via telephone or offer one on one technical assistance at this time. All questions submitted will be answered during a webinar on June 2, 2022 from 3:30pm-4:30pm. A recording of the webinar will be posted on and an FAQ document will be available to reference following the webinar.


Vermont Youth Jobs Summit

The Vermont Department of Labor Workforce Development Division is excited to announce its Vermont Youth Jobs Summit to be held on Tuesday, August 3 from 11:00am to 12:30pm. Join our virtual event to hear about our Vermont Youth Employment Program and some exciting opportunities across the state. This event is open to partners, parents, young adults (between the ages of 16-24), and other interested agencies. 

Opportunities for discussion will include, but are not limited to: 

Details on how to join the event: 

For more information, please contact Tracy Verge, VYEP Program Administrator, at



Best Practices for Veteran Employment


The Vermont Department of Labor invites Veterans, statewide partners and community members to attend its community forum, Best Practices for Veteran Employment, to discuss ways to best serve veterans amid COVID-19 and beyond.


Virtual discussion with statewide and community leaders will allow for the creation of Supporting Employment for Vermont Veterans guide. 

Event Details

Add to Calendar

More information about resources available for veterans from the Department of Labor can be found at


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