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WOTC Virtual Open House

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal tax credit program since 1996 designed to encourage employers to hire individuals from specific targeted groups who historically have faced significant barriers to employment. These targeted groups include qualified veterans, ex-felons, long-term unemployed, SNAP/TANF recipients, and more.

Join this virtual open house to learn more about the program and Vermont’s new WOTC application portal.

Date: April 25, 2025
Time: 1:30pm - 2:30pm
Location: Virtual (Microsoft Teams)

Click here to register!


WOTC Virtual Open House

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal tax credit program since 1996 designed to encourage employers to hire individuals from specific targeted groups who historically have faced significant barriers to employment. These targeted groups include qualified veterans, ex-felons, long-term unemployed, SNAP/TANF recipients, and more.

Join this virtual open house to learn more about the program and Vermont’s new WOTC application portal.

Date: April 21, 2025
Time: 10:30am - 11:30am
Location: Virtual (Microsoft Teams)

Click here to register!


ETPL ProviderLink Training

Webinar Details. 

Wednesday, June 29

1:00pm - 2:30pm




Requirements to be a part of the Vermont Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) are being updated to adhere to federal requirements. This means programs must register with ProvderLink, a program management platform. 

After July 1, providers should follow steps create an account and begin submitting applications for each training program. 


Creating a ProviderLink Account

Step 1: Provider must create a ProviderLink username and password:


Apply to have Training Programs Listed

Step 2: Provider must complete an application for each program, for each location it is offered.


Comply with data collection and reporting requirements.

Step 3: Applications reviewed by VDOL and applicants are notified about their status in about 15 days. Once approved, programs must begin collecting tracking data described below for all students and all sections of the program to be reported annually.



WEBINAR: Protecting workers from heat related illness

Heat related stress is a recognized hazard and contributes to work related illness and loss of employee productivity. In extreme cases, heat related illness can result in workplace fatalities.

Join the Vermont Occupational Safety and Health Administration (VOSHA) on Monday, June 20 from 1pm-2pm for a webinar on employer best practices for heat safety. 

Heat stress affects traditional “outdoor” occupations such as construction, agriculture and logging as well as traditional “inside” occupations such as manufacturing and restaurant workplaces. OSHA and VOSHA have adopted initiatives to address heat related illness in the workplace. This session will provide information on recognizing the signs of heat related illness, as well as strategies in understanding and mitigating the factors contributing to this condition.

For more information on VOSHA resources for heat safety, please visit



WEBINAR - 2022 Vermont Internship Grant Funding Opportunity (Q&A)

The Vermont Department of Labor (VDOL) supports up-skilling and re-skilling opportunities for Vermont workers through workforce development activities aimed at strengthening and expanding the labor force in Vermont. More details on the grant opportunity can be found, here. 

Webinar Details

**All questions related to the grant program or application may be submitted to by May 31, 2022 (4:00pm). Please reference 2022 Internship Grant in the subject of your email. We do not have the ability to answer questions via telephone or offer one on one technical assistance at this time. All questions submitted will be answered during a webinar on June 2, 2022 from 3:30pm-4:30pm. A recording of the webinar will be posted on and an FAQ document will be available to reference following the webinar.


#Hiring2DayVT Virtual Job Fair - Construction


Participating Employers (March 17, 2022)

  • J.P. Cararra & Sons
  • DeBisschop Escavating
  • ReSource Vermont
  • Desrochers Construction
  • Klingsbury
  • LPD Traffic Control

Participating Employers (March 3, 2022)


Contact your local Job Center:

How to Join the Event

Direct Link to Event:
Phone/Dial-In Details: 802-828-7667 (Conference ID:  348 860 144#)

  • Join the Virtual Job Fair through the link above 
  • Once in the meeting attendees will receive updates on resources available for their job search and information on other programs from the Department of Labor
  • Local Virtual Job Fair information will be provided to direct attendees to region of their choice; region information may also be found below
Featured Local Regions

Need a dial-in phone number? Contact your local Job Center for details. 

Microsoft Teams

#Hiring2DayVT Virtual Job Fair events will be held through Microsoft Teams



Virtual Workshop - Interview Skills (Fridays at 1pm)

Click the link below to join the weekly Interview Skills Virtual Workshop, held weekly on Fridays from 1:00pm - 2:00pm. Please Note: Workshops will not take place on state holidays. Consult the State Holiday Schedule for a list of applicable dates.

Everyone brings a different set of skills and experience to a job interview. Get tips on how to make sure you make a great first impression and stand out among the crow

Join Now

Get More Information View all Events

If you are not familiar with Microsoft Teams, please review this quick guide to Teams, including download information. 

Having trouble joining through your computer? Let's schedule an individual consultation so we can best serve you! Go to and complete the form to connect with a Local Career Specialist.



Virtual Workshop - Re-Employment Strategies Workshop

Click the link below to join the weekly Re-Employment Strategies Virtual Workshop, held weekly on Wednesdays from 9:00am - 10:00am. Please Note: Workshops will not take place on state holidays. Consult the State Holiday Schedule for a list of applicable dates.

Has your work situation been recently impacted? Learn how to prepare for and maximize job search efforts through planning and preparation. 

Join Now

\Get More Information View all Events

If you are not familiar with Microsoft Teams, please review this quick guide to Teams, including download information. 

Having trouble joining through your computer? Let's schedule an individual consultation so we can best serve you! Go to and complete the form to connect with a Local Career Specialist . 

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