Updates from the Unemployment Insurance Division are provided below. This page will be updated by UI Division staff as updates are available. For more information on unemployment insurance, please visit labor.vermont.gov/unemployment-insurance.
If you received unemployment insurance benefits in the PUA* program, your 1099-G has been uploaded to your PUA online portal (the portal you used to file your weekly claims). A copy of your 1099 was also mailed to you.
If you received benefits in the regular unemployment insurance program, your 1099 is not able to be uploaded to your online claimant portal due to system limitations.
More information and resources on tax documents for Vermont unemployment insurance claimants may be found at https://labor.vermont.gov/unemployment-insurance/claimant-tax-form-information
*PUA (Pandemic Unemployment Assistance) was the federal program created by the federal government to expand unemployment benefits to those who did not qualify for regular unemployment benefits (self-employed, independent contractors, etc.). The program ended in September 2021.
In some cases, specifically where fraud occurred in the PUA program, there was no way to remove 100% of the fraudulent claims prior to the 1099 distribution. If fraud was already reported on the claim, the claim was stopped and a fraud note was places on the claim; however, when the program ran the 1099 process, there was no automated way to remove claims with a fraud note. If you have not reported a fraudulent claim prior to receiving the 1099, or as a precaution, would like to submit a fraud report because you received a 1099 for benefits you did not receive, click the link below and complete the form.
Report 1099 Due to Fraud: https://labor.vermont.gov/form/report-fraud-1099-g
As of Friday (January 28, 2022), all 1099-G tax documents have been mailed. Claimants are likely to receive their 1099-G form(s) in the coming days. If you do not receive your 1099-G within the next 5 to 7 business days or believe information on a 1099-G to be incorrect, please stay tuned for additional instructions from the Department. Online forms to submit requests for Corrected or New/Reissued 1099-Gs will go-live for claimants on Monday, February 14.
Important Reminders
- Most claimants will receive one 1099-G document for 2021. However, some claimants may receive multiple documents if they were reissued Lost Wages Assistance (LWA) program payments or filed in both regular UI and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) in 2021. To identify which program your 1099-G is for, look for the program code printed in the “Account Number” box in the bottom left corner of your 1099-G.
- Program Code 001
- UI - Regular Unemployment Insurance benefits
- PEUC - Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation
- EB - Extended Benefits
- High EB - High Extended Benefits
- FPUC - Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation
- Program Code 002
- PUA - Pandemic Unemployment Assistance
- Program Code 003
- LWA - Lost Wages Assistance
- The Lost Wages Assistance (LWA) program was a supplemental program in 2020 that paid out $300 per week for up to six weeks (for the benefit weeks ending August 1 – September 5).
- LWA - Lost Wages Assistance
- Program Code 001
- If you filed for benefits in PUA, your 1099-G has been mailed to you. The Department is also currently working to upload 1099-G forms for PUA claimants to the PUA online portal. We will notify you as soon as PUA 1099-G forms are available online.
- If you filed in the regular unemployment insurance system, we are unable to upload your 1099-G to your online claimant portal due to system limitations.
For more information on 1099-G tax forms, visit the Department’s website for frequently asked questions, information on programs and benefit codes, how unemployment insurance benefits are calculated, more.
The Department of Labor recently released a frequently asked questions (FAQ) specific to the UI eligibility of individuals who are dismissed from employment for failing to following the directive of their employer. Additionally, the FAQ informs employers what they need to do in order for the Department of Labor to consider the separation of the employee to be related to misconduct.
Employer Vaccine Mandates and UI | Department of Labor (vermont.gov)
The Department of Labor's UI Claimant Assistance Center is currently unable to receive calls due to technical difficulties. Claimants may however continue to file their weekly claims or re-open past claims through the online UI Claimant Portal. Technical issues are localized to the Department's call center vendor and are not impacting other systems.
Please stay tuned for further updates, as this article will be updated.
At the start of the pandemic, unemployment insurance benefits were extended to Vermonters who were forced to separate from employment for a COVID-19 related reasons. Beginning October 1, 2021, individuals will no longer be eligible to receive benefits if they file an initial claim for unemployment insurance benefits for any of the following reasons:
- They left employment as a direct result of an order issued by the Governor or President
- The individual’s own COVID-19 related isolation or quarantine
- Being sick or isolated as the result of COVID-19
- Caring for a family member who is sick or isolated as the result of COVID-19
- Caring for a family member who had an unreasonable risk of exposure at their place of employment
- Needing to care for a child who has had their school or childcare center closed in response to a COVID-19 outbreak
More details and Frequently Asked Questions can be found here: https://labor.vermont.gov/news/act-91-end-date-details
The Department of Labor's Unemployment Assistance Center is now open Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 5:30pm, and closed Saturday - Sunday. Contact information and updated hours are listed below.
- Open an Initial Claim: 1-877-214-3330 (Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:30pm)
- File Weekly Claim: 1-800-983-2300 (Automated - 12:01am Sunday - 4:30pm Friday)
- Claimant Assistance: 1-877-214-3332 (Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 5:30pm / Saturday-Sunday: Closed)
- Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA): 1-877-660-7782 (Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 5:30pm / Saturday-Sunday: Closed)
The Department of Labor has received inquiries from some PUA claimants reporting they are unable to file a weekly claim for the benefit week ending September 4, 2021, and that an error box is being displayed stating “You have already submitted the maximum number of weeks (75) for PUA.” There are two reasons the Department has identified as to why a claimant may be seeing this message. Claimants should check their email for information about what group they fall into.
Direct communication via email was provided to impacted claimants. If claimants did not receive an email and are getting this error message, they should call the Claimant Assistance Center at 877-214-3332 and an agent can verify the reason why they are not able to file.
The Vermont Department of Labor offices, including the UI Claimant Assistance Center, will be closed in observance of Labor Day (Monday, September 6). The Department will resume regular business hours on Tuesday, September 7.
- If you file your claim online, you will still be able to do so but will experience a minor delay in payment due to the holiday.
- The UI Claimant Assistance Center will also be closed on Monday, September 6 and will reopen Tuesday, September 7, for regular business hours. Claimants should expect high call volume on Tuesday morning with longer than usual wait times. To avoid long wait times, you are encouraged to call either later in the day, or later in the week. If you need to contact the UI Claimant Assistance Center to file your weekly claim, you have until Friday at 4pm to file.
The Vermont Department of Labor offices, including the UI Claimant Assistance Center will be closed in observance of Bennington Battle Day on Monday, August 16. The Department will resume regular business hours on Tuesday, August 17.
If you receive your weekly benefit payments by check, you may experience a delay due to the holiday.
- The UI Claimant Assistance Center will be closed on Monday, August 16 and will reopen Tuesday, August 17, for regular business hours. Claimants should expect high call volume on Tuesday morning with longer than usual wait times. To avoid long wait times, you are encouraged to call either later in the day, or later in the week. If you need to contact the UI Claimant Assistance Center to file your weekly claim, you have until Friday at 4pm to file.
Please visit labor.vermont.gov for additional information and resources for unemployment insurance claimants.
The Vermont Department of Labor is reminding claimants the federal expansion of unemployment insurance benefits created under the CARES Act will end for the benefit-week-ending September 4, 2021. This includes Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC), and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC). The Department will be increasing outreach and assistance to help claimants transition into the workforce or find training or educational opportunities. Full details on the end of CARES Act benefits can be found at https://labor.vermont.gov/unemployment-insurance/cares-act-ending-information.
Beginning Monday, July 26, 2021, payments will no longer be processed daily. They will begin being processed two times per week. Payments will now be processed each Monday and Thursday. The schedule below explains when each payment will be processed based on when the claim is filed.
- If you file your weekly claim on Sunday: your payment will be processed on Monday.
- If you file your weekly claim Monday or anytime by the close of business on Wednesday: your payment will be processed on Thursday.
- If you file your weekly claim Thursday or anytime by the close of business on Friday: your payment will be processed Monday.
The delay caused by technical difficulties with our regular UI system has been corrected. This will cause a one-day delay in payments to those expecting to have received a weekly benefit payment today, Wednesday, June 23. Future payments are not expected to be impacted by this outage.
The Department is currently experiencing technical difficulties with our regular UI system. If you are expecting to receive a weekly benefit payment tomorrow (Wednesday, June 23), either via direct deposit or paper check, please know that there will be a delay in payment. At this time, we are working to resolve the issue and will provide further updates as more information becomes available.
The UI Claimant and Employer Portals are currently unavailable due to technical difficulties. If you are trying to access your claimant or employer accounts, please try later today or tomorrow morning. Our teams are working to correct the issue as quickly as possible, and further updates will be provided.
The Department is aware of fraudulent communications sent by text and email that state ‘We noticed an error with your Unemployment Claim’, and prompt the recipient to ‘Review your Claim’. Links in these fraudulent communications lead to a fraudulent website that appears similar the Online Claimant Portal. See the images below for more detail. Do not click links from suspicious emails or text messages, or provide any information. If you are not sure if the communication is legitimate, please call the Department of Labor's UI Call Center to verify that it is the Department and not a fraudster. Check the URL and make sure you are filing a claim on the correct website, and please remember to do so only through the Department of Labor website (labor.vermont.gov) or by contacting the Claimant Assistance Center if you are unable to access the online portal. Additional information and updates on fraud, including alerts from known scams and attempts to steal personal information, can be found on labor.vermont.gov/ui-fraud.
As of today, individuals who had previously not been asked to provide work search information on their weekly claim even though they were required to perform a work search will now be required to provide work search information when they file.
At the start of the pandemic the Department intentionally move claimants into a 'non' work search category to allow for automated filing using our interactive voice recording system. This was done in order to reduce the volume on our call lines at the start of the pandemic. To move those claimants back to a required work search status, the Department needed to make updates to its mainframe system. That coding could only be done after the work search was reactivated and was completed as of last night.
When a claimant files their claim, they will be prompted to first indicate if they looked for work as directed. Regardless of whether a claimant has a COVID exemption, the claimant should select 'yes' for this question. The next page will allow the claimant to select a COVID reason for being exempt from the work search. If the claimant does not have a COVID reason, they will be prompted on the next screen to submit their weekly work search contact information.
We are aware of issues that some claimants may have experienced when looking to submit their weekly claim on Sunday, May 23 for the benefit-week-ending May 22. Our teams continue to work correct issues claimants have reported, and further details will be provided as they are available.
Earlier this week, the Department identified issues with entering work search information when filing weekly claims. This resulted in some claimants not being able to file.
All work search related issues with the weekly claim have been resolved. If you have not been able to file your weekly claim, you can now log back in and do so. Please review the information below to better understand what you need to do next.
If you are filing in the PUA system:
- If you are filing for PUA and are self-employed, an independent contractor, or sole proprietor, and have not yet filed your weekly claim: you may now log in and complete you weekly claim. You will not be prompted to enter work search information because your employment status exempts you from this requirement at this time.
- If you are filing for PUA and are self-employed, an independent contractor, or sole proprietor and did enter work search information: you do not need to do anything additional. When you file your claim next week, you will not be required to enter any work search information.
- If you are filing for PUA but are not self-employed, an independent contractor, or sole proprietor and have already filed your weekly claim: you do not need to do anything additional.
Important note: If you have been unable to file your weekly claim this week due to this issue, you will have extra time to submit your claim. You are encouraged to submit it as soon as possible to avoid further delays.
If you are filing in the Regular UI system:
- If you filed your weekly claim already and were able to enter your work search information: you do not need to do anything additional.
- If you filed your weekly claim already and were not prompted to enter work search information: you do not need to do anything additional this week. Because this was an error by the Department, you will not be penalized for not entering work search information.
- If you have not yet filed your weekly claim: please do so as soon as possible to avoid further delays.
For more information on the Work Search Requirement for Unemployment Insurance claimants, please review the details found through the link below.
If you have an issue with your claim that you need assistance with to resolve or if you have a hardship waiver and need to file your weekly claim, please contact the UI Claimant Assistance Center at 877-214-3332. The Claimant Assistance Center is open Monday through Saturday. Please remember, call volume is highest on Monday's and you may experience longer than normal hold times. Please try to call later in the week whenever possible.
We are aware of the work search issues over the weekend that resulted in some claimants not being prompted to enter work search information and some claimants on PUA being prompted to enter work search information when they may have been exempt. Our team is working to correct these issues, but it is important to note that claimants will not lose out on benefits because of this issue.
If you were able to successfully file your weekly claim, you are all set for this week; however, please be sure to continue looking for work as this information will be required in future weeks.
Those individuals who were prompted to enter work search even though they may have been exempt, will also not lose out on benefits for this week. If you did not complete your claim because you were prompted to report your work search without being offered a COVID exemption option, we are currently asking those claimants to complete their weekly claim later this week. Claimants have until 4:30PM each Friday to complete their weekly claim.
This is not completely unexpected, as there were many changes and exceptions made to the work search in both the regular UI and PUA claimant portals as a result of COVID-19. Because of this, we have had our team on standby over the week and are working to correct any issues that are presenting during the certification process.
Any updates on this issue will be posted in the Vermont UI Newsfeed at https://labor.vermont.gov/ui-updates.
PUA UPDATE: We are aware of the issue that some PUA Claimants are currently experiencing in filing your weekly claims, as some have not been able to file for the benefit week ending May 1, 2021. Our team is currently working to address the issue, and we are asking that claimants look to submit their weekly claim tomorrow (Tuesday). Claimants have until Friday, May 7 to submit their weekly claim for the prior week.
More information and updates will be provided.
Claimants should be aware of a recent fraudulent text message that is being circulated. Below is a screenshot of the phishing attempt. If you receive this text, DO NOT click the link that is provided.
Due to an increase in automated fraudulent filing attempts, the Vermont Unemployment Insurance initial claim application is currently offline while our team works to implement additional fraud prevention measures. If you wish to file an initial unemployment claim, please contact the UI Claimant Assistance Center at 877-214-3330. The Claimant Assistance Center is open Monday-Saturday from 8:00a.m. to 5:30p.m. Claimants can still file their weekly claims using the online portal.
[April 21, 2021] UI FRAUD ALERT
The number of fraudulent unemployment insurance claims filed has increased tremendously during COVID-19, as coordinated national attacks have been launched by scammers looking to use the pandemic as an opportunity to take advantage of overwhelmed state unemployment systems. Personal information collected as a part of mass data breaches, in some cases from multiple years prior, is used by scammers to file fraudulent unemployment insurance claims and divert benefits. In some cases, scammers have very specific information on individuals, including name, address, Social Security Number, driver’s license number, and even a photo of an individual’s driver’s license.
The Department has implemented additional identity verification measures for unemployment insurance claims and continues to work with federal partners and law enforcement including, Vermont State Police, FBI, Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Secret Service, U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Inspector General, the Vermont Department of Financial Regulation, and the Vermont Attorney General’s Office.
VDOL stresses that Vermonters should be aware of unemployment insurance fraud, whether you have previously received benefits or not. Vermonters who believe they may be the victim of UI fraud, or who want to be proactive against fraud, should take the following steps:
CHECK YOUR MAILBOX: If you receive a monetary determination letter or other information from the Department, and you DID NOT file a claim for unemployment insurance benefits, contact VDOL immediately. Notices are automatically mailed upon submission, even before the Department reviews the claim. Because of this, it is important that you contact the Department immediately if you receive notice of a claim being filed in your name. Once a claim is determined to be fraudulent, the Department stops payment on the claim, preventing any benefits from being distributed in your name. If you are a victim of fraud, you will not be held liable for any benefit payments you did not receive.
REPORT UI FRAUD: Contact VDOL immediately if you believe a fraudulent claim was filed using your personal information.
Submit a Fraud Report Online: View the UI Fraud form
Email: labor.uifraud@vermont.gov
Phone: 802-828-4170
The Department will only contact you if more information is required.
Additional information can be found on the UI Fraud webpage.
Close any accounts that have been tampered with or opened fraudulently.
Close any financial or credit card accounts that are no longer in use.
Report identity theft to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) online or by calling 877-438-4338.
Contact the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213 and review your social security statement online (for workers 18 and older).
For concerns about tax fraud, contact the IRS to notify them you are a victim of identity theft. Fill out the IRS Identity Theft Affidavit (FORM 14039). You may also contact the Vermont Department of Taxes at (802) 828-2865.
BE PROACTIVE: Vermonters can also take proactive steps to preventing fraud from occurring, as there are a number of resources available.
2020 UI Claimants: Vermonters that received unemployment insurance benefits in 2020 are also encouraged register for free identity protection services through IDX Protection Services. The deadline to enroll is May 18, 2021.
Review Credit: Obtain a free copy of your credit report to review it for suspicious activity.
Credit Freeze: Place a free fraud alert on your credit:
Experian: Submit online or call 888-397-3742
Transunion: Submit online or call 888-909-8872
Equifax: Submit online or call 800-685-1111
Innovis: Submit online or call 800-540-2505
The Department is working on processing issues related to claimants opening a new benefit year. If you applied to open a new benefit year but are unable to file claims or are getting a blank screen, you do not need to do anything yet. This is because there was an issue with the application being entered into the system. We are working to correct the data now and will notify you when you can continue to file your claims. You will not miss out on benefits because of this error. We know this is frustrating and are working as quickly as we can to fix the problem.
More details, including Frequently Asked Questions on how the New Benefit Year process can be found at labor.vermont.gov/unemployment-insurance/new-benefit-year.
When applying for Unemployment Insurance, you open what is called a “benefit year,” which allows you to file for benefits for calendar year. When you reach the end of that calendar year, the UI program requires claimants to open a new benefit year to continue to file for benefits, for the upcoming calendar year. It is likely that if you have been unemployed since the start of the pandemic, your benefit year has already expired or you soon will, requiring you to open a new benefit year. It is important to remember that you cannot open a new benefit year before yours has expired.
Claimants attempting to submit information to the Vermont Department of Labor through a web form may experience technical difficulties due to current issues with Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Forms. If you experience difficulities or tehnical issues, please check back later or once the issue has been resolved by Microsoft.
- If you are submitting an address request regarding a recently mailed 1099-G tax form, please complete the web form here
- If you are submitting an address request regarding your regular Unemployment Insurance claim, you may:
- Wait to submit the online request form at a later time
- Complete the printable PDF version of the B-2 Change of Address form
We appreciate those individuals who helped bring to our attention yesterday that a fake Facebook page and personal Facebook account were attempting to spread misinformation and to communicate with claimants directly through the platform.
A few reminders for those communicating with the Department through Facebook, other social platforms and email:
- We will only ask claimants to contact us through official Department methods, which are listed on our website.
- We ask that claimants do not share personal identity information through social media messages as a way to protect yourself from potential fraud.
As a reminder, for anyone that received unemployment insurance in 2020, the Department encourages you to enroll in free identity theft protection services. While not connected to this situation, services can help protect individuals from cases when personal information is inadvertently shared.
More information about identity protection services can be found on our 1099-G incident page.
Due to an issue with the unemployment insurance operating system, processing for weekly benefit payments filed on Sunday, February 21 and Monday, February 22 will be delayed until Tuesday, February 23. This will result in a one day delay of weekly benefits being delivered to claimants that filed on either Sunday or Monday. .
To allow for the processing of all weekly claims submitted from Sunday through Tuesday, the Department will close Claims Center lines at 4:30pm on Tuesday.
Further updates and information will be provided at labor.vermont.gov
[Febrary 23, 2021] TECHNICAL ISSUE
We are aware of an issue impacting the updating of claimant profiles for regular Unemployment Insurance. Claimants ability to file weekly claims or establish initial claims is not impacted at this time. Our teams are currently working to investigate and rectify the issue.
[February 16, 2021] HOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT
Because of bank and post office closures on Monday, February 15, if you filed a weekly claim Sunday, Monday or today (Tuesday) your benefit payment will be processed tonight (Tuesday). For those that filed Sunday or Monday, this will slightly delay when your typical delivery of weekly benefits. However, payments are scheduled for processing, and will be delivered once completed.
Due to a processing issue, the Department of Labor anticipates that some unemployment insurance claimants may experience a one-day delay in their ability to file their weekly claim or receive their weekly benefit amount through direct deposit. Some additional information is provided below, but further information and details will be sent directly to impacted claimants by email.
- Direct Deposit: Weekly benefit payments sent by direct deposit on Monday were delayed due to the processing issue. Claimants should expect to see a one-day delay in the processing of these direct deposits and updating of information on the UI Claimant Portal.
- Initial Claims Submissions: Individuals that established their initial claims with the Department online either on Friday, January 29 or Saturday, January 30, will have experienced a delay in their ability to submit a weekly claim for the week ending January 30. Processing of your initial claim is expected to take place Tuesday. Claimants have until Friday, February 5 to file their weekly claim for the benefit-week-ending January 30.
[February 1, 2021] 1099-G INCIDENT UPDATE
As of now, the Department believes this issue is specific to the 1099s that were associated with the Lost Wages Assistance (LWA) program and a portion of the Vermont Short Term Supplemental benefit population; however, the Department is issuing a mass recall of ALL 1099s that have been mailed, regardless of program. This is being done out of an abundance of caution. The Department will be mailing further instructions to everyone who received a 1099, along with a self-addressed stamped envelope, to return the incorrect 1099 to the Department.
In addition, recognizing that there is the potential of the improper release of confidential and personal information, the Department has already been in contact with the Vermont Attorney General’s Office in accordance with state statute, and we will be providing all impacted individuals with the option to enroll in ID protection services. This improper release of data did not occur in every instance, but for those cases where an individual’s information was released, they will be provided the opportunity for identity protection. More specific information will be provided in a mailing to impacted individuals along with further instructions.
We are still in the midst of investigating this issue, the cause of the issue, and the next steps for impacted individuals, but in the immediate, individuals should do the following:
- If an individual receives a 1099 letter from the Department and the name and address on the front do not match, they should not open the 1099. The Department will mail them further instructions for returning the 1099.
- If an individual receives a 1099 letter from the Department and the name and address on the front do match, but when they open the 1099, the information on the inside does not match their information, they should hold onto the 1099. The Department will mail them further instructions for returning the 1099.
- If there is even the possibility that an individual’s confidential information was improperly released, the Department will mail them instructions for protecting their identity and how to enroll in consumer protection services through the Department.
- The Department will be issuing additional guidance to these populations later today/tomorrow along with next steps.
- This issue does not impact an individual’s claim or benefits. This issue is specific to the printing and mailing of 1099 tax documents.
- No incorrect tax information has been shared with the State or Federal tax departments, nor the IRS. The Department will ensure that correct 1099 tax information is sent to the tax departments and IRS for proper tax reporting.
- All claimants will receive a new 1099G tax document from the Unemployment Insurance Division.
- More information will be posted to the Department’s website at labor.vermont.gov.
[February 1, 2021] 1099-G TAX FORM MAILING ISSUE
We have been made aware of the issue regarding 1099-G tax forms. We are currently investigating the issue and will provide more details. Updates will be provided through social media and our website. Please also note that Claimant Assistance Center representatives cannot provide assistance regarding 1099-G form issues at this time
[January 27, 2021] 1099-G TAX FORMS
If you received unemployment benefits during 2020, you will be receiving important tax information from the Department of Labor in the form of a 1099-G. You will need this information in order to file your yearly taxes. More claimant tax information can be found at https://labor.vermont.gov/unemployment-insurance/claimant-tax-form-information. Further updates on mailing of 1099-G forms will be provided directly to claimants via email and through the Department's website.
The Department has created two new webpages to provide claimants and employers additional information and updates with regards to claim adjudications and claim appeals. Click "UI Claim Adjudications" to find out more about the UI adjudication process and click "Appealing a UI Claim Determination" to learn more about the UI appeals process. Our hope is that these new pages will help answer a lot of questions about both processes and reduce the number of general calls to the Claimant Assistance Center.
[January 19, 2021] HOLIDAY NOTICE
Due to State Office closure yesterday (January 18) in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, there will be a one day delay in claims processing. This means if you have already submitted your weekly claim this week, your claim will process tonight.
[January 15, 2021] HOLIDAY NOTICE
State Offices will be closed on Monday, January 18, 2021 in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. The UI Claimant Assistance Center will still be open on this day from 8:00am - 5:30pm to provide assistance to UI claimants. The Claimant Assistance Center can be reached by dialing (877) 214-3332. Claimants can also chat with an agent by clicking Chat With a Representative.
[January 12, 2021] PUA CLAIMANTS UPDATE
Some PUA claimants received their 40th week of PUA benefits before the CARES Act Extension was in place. Because these individuals received one additional week of benefits at the end of the December, their first PUA payment under the CARES Act Extension that began on 1/2/21, was offset to account for the benefits they already received. This was done in accordance with federal guidance. Claimants whose first week of the PUA extension was offset received the $300 FPUC benefit, but did not receive their underlying weekly benefit. An email was sent to this group of claimants this afternoon explaining the reasoning for not receiving their full benefits for the week ending 1/2/21. Most of these individuals received the 40th week of PUA benefits either for the benefit week ending 12/19/20 or 12/26/20. The reason this is significant is because the original PUA program only allowed for a maximum of 39 benefit weeks.
[January 12, 2021] UI SYSTEM OUTAGE UPDATE
Issues involved the UI mainframe have been corrected. The UI Claimant Assistance Center is open today from 8AM-5:30PM and can be reached at (877) 214-3332.
[January 12, 2021] UI SYSTEM OUTAGE
We are currently experiencing a system outage involving our unemployment insurance mainframe. Claimants can still access claim information and file weekly claims through the online portal; however, limited assistance will be available through the Claimant Assistance Center while the system is offline.
[January 10, 2021] 1099-G TAX FORM INFO
Additional information has been provided to claimant regarding tax document 1099G and 2020 tax filings. This information was emailed to anyone who opened an unemployment claim during the 2020 calendar year; however, only claimants who received benefits during 2020 will received the 1099G document from the Department. The full details of the email sent to claimants can be found at https://conta.cc/39hdssV.
[January 9, 2021] UI UPDATE
The UI Claimant Assistance Center is open today from 8AM-5:30PM and can be reached at (877) 214-3332. The issues involving the Department's 50-year-old UI mainframe were resolved early this morning. Thank you for your patience.
[January 8, 2021] UI TECHNICAL ISSUES
The Department continues to experience technical difficulties with the UI mainframe resulting in a prolonged system outage. This outage did not prevent claimants from filing their weekly claims through the online claimant portal or the automated claim phone system for the benefit week ending January 2, 2021. If a claimant experienced difficulties in filing, they can contact the Claimant Assistance Center once the technical issues have been resolved. Our technical team is currently working to bring the system back online for Saturday operations. The PUA system is not impacted by this outage.
[January 8, 2021] UI TECNICAL ISSUES
We are currently experiencing a system outage involving our unemployment insurance mainframe. Claimants can still access claim information and file weekly claims through the online portal; however, limited assistance will be available through the Claimant Assistance Center while the system is offline.
PUA portal is live with CARES Act Extension. The updates have been made to the PUA portal to allow eligible PUA claimants to file under the recent federal CARES Act Extension. Claimants who already have a pre-existing PUA claim can log into the PUA claimant portal to submit weekly certifications under the extension. New PUA claimants must complete an initial application for benefits before filing a weekly claim. Individuals in regular UI have already been able to file for the PEUC extension, which went live on January 3rd. PEUC claimants can log into the UI claimant portal to submit weekly certifications under the PEUC extension.
High Call Volume Alert: The UI Claimant Call Center is currently experiencing a high call volume with extended wait times. Claimants are encouraged to call back during on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.
[December 31, 2020] CARES ACT EXTENSION FAQS
CARES Act Extension FAQ for UI as of December 31, 2020
[December 29, 2020] PUA FILING UPDATE
PUA Claimants Unable to File for Benefit Week Ending 12/26/20. If you are an active claimant in the PUA program and are unable to file for the benefit week ending (BWE) 12/26/20, it is likely because you have received the maximum number of weeks of the program under the original CARES Act. The CARES Act extension begins this week and eligible PUA claimants who have exhausted their original benefits will be able to file for the BWE 01/02/21 once the program has been updated with the federal changes. The new CARES Act extension does not cover the BWE 12/26/20 for PUA claimants who have already exhausted their benefits.